Thursday, May 12, 2011

Traffic Court Trash

WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE!!!!???? Alright, i'm WELL aware that traffic court is a massive pain in the ass, trust me, I've spent half of my 27yrs there, seems like. I'd honestly rather eat a turd than sit through that shit. Luckily I've learned enough to bring something to do in order to pass the time, so it's not as bad. Anyhoo, I have seen witnessed wreched occurance each and every time I've been there, and it is disturbing still, EVERY TIME! The lowest of society who handle their frustration at being in traffic court as follows:
1) He/she actually shows up @ least 30mins late, sometimes more!!!
2) He/she chats up whoever is unfortunate enough to sit next to him/her, reguarding how pissed off he/she is to be there, how cops are "after" him/her, and many other things in addition to these examples.
3) He/she shows up in attire normally consisting of flip-flops, sweat/pajama pants, a wrinkled/dirty/over-sized t-shirt, disheveled hair (often with a pick sticking out of it), and a hateful scowel to complete his/her "rebellion".
4) When called to the stand, he/she makes it a point to approach the judge as slowly, and attitude-filled as possible.
5) He/she gives the judge as much shit as he/she is able to exude.
6) He/she NEVER has ANY of the money needed to pay a ticket/fine and/or court cost.
7) He/she is NEVER satsfied with the outcome NO MATTER WHAT, and expresses this by retreating from the bench with said attitude and speed (or lack thereof), with the addition of mumbling a number of curse words, and insults reguarding the judge/baliff/system/and police force.
8) At times, refusal to turn his/her cell phone off, or to silent mode, in the hopes of interuppting the process, and with full intent of pretending it was an accident.
Phew! Ok. So there happen to be a few other random examples, but that is almost more than my psyche can tolerate at the moment. My whole point to all this is that these particular people were clearly raised with the complete inability to put him/herself in others' shoes (s/a the judge, who is required to sit through the frusteration of this process, and tolerate this nonsense day in and day out). They were also NOT raised to have/show ANY class, tact, maturity, accountability, respect, manners, or common courtesy.
BTW-SIDENOTE-These are the same people I was forced to attend my "Drug and Alcohol Education Course", as required to complete as punishment for my D.U.I. conviction which occured a couple years ago. You see, on the first night of class, we were asked to, one by one, explain our situation, what we were convicted of, and the details of the actual arrest and anything else we found relevent. Well, out of about 25 people, I was literally the ONLY ONE who took responsibility, and opted to explain the occurance with the brutally honest answer of "I had drank (drunk?) too much alcohol, and should'nt have been driving. And clearly-I got caught." All other students expressed a bullshit story that made no sense, and/or was unbelievable to the extent of rediculous. It was pathetic all hell.
These people should not even be allowed into the court room past the ten minute mark of tardiness, thus resulting in a warrant for his/her arrest. And lastly, my main, and most relevent suggestion to these people (and myself in these situations) is simply this:

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