Friday, May 20, 2011

Too Much to Ask?

Seriously? Is it TOO MUCH to ask to be left alone while I pump my gas? Just ONCE during my lifetime, I'd like to make it into the gas station to pay, out to the pump, and back into my car without having some creeper roll up on me, call me "Shawty", and proceed to solicite some vague request for a sexual encounter from me. Please, just ONE TIME, can I be exempt from this obnoxious exchange? That's all I ask. I end up just doing the pervert a favor by saving his time as follows:
A) I'm not your "shawty" or your "Boo", or anything of that nature.
B) "Sweaty Pervert-meet Personal Space. Personal Space-meet Sweaty Pervert."
C) It's none of your business whether I have a BF or not.
D) No, you are NOT "just looking for a friend". You are "looking for a friend to penetrate in 1 or more orifices", and I'm NOT that "friend".
E) Why are you STILL talking to me?
F) Hell no-you CANNOT have my number, e-mail, address, etc.
G) BTW-Thanks for insulting me by your clear assumption that I'm this easy.
H) Does this rude, unwelcome, foreward, rehearsed, invading, unoriginal, desperate approach EVER result in the encounter you're after? Do you expect me to believe that you have pulled your car up to a complete stranger, interuppted her while she's minding her own business, engaged her in any sort of conversation that actually led to a sexual exchange? Is that what really happens in this world? Are there females who are that dumb, or dare I say FLATTERED by this crap? What naive, self-asteem-cripple would even consider climbing into your car? I CALL BULLSHIT!!!
SOOOOOO, that being said.....How bout this, Prince Charming? From now on, you're gonna reel-in your testosterone and genitals before you leave home, and show a little respect for females, their privacy, and their personal space, alright? How bout you learn to read another human being's body language and overall demeanor, indicating whether small talk is appropriate and/or welcome, and if not, don't impose, got it? OR! How bout you GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FACE, STOP EYE-RAPING ME, LET ME PUMP MY GAS IN SILENCE, AND MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS SO I'M NOT IN AN IRRITABLE MOOD FOR THE REST OF THE DAY, MMKAY???!!!!
No? Not gonna happen anytime this century? Ok, then. From this day foreward, I will pretend to be deaf, and completely ignore you. Call me a stuck-up bitch all day long, cause I can't hear a word of it. In fact, I can't see you either. Listen, man-if I'm actually expected to believe that your "approach" works for you, then BY GOD-They gave Helen Keller a driver's license too! Can you believe that? Do you? Makes no difference to me, cause my blind/deaf/happy-ass has already made it on down the road, 100% free of your harrassment! Happy Abducting to ya!

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