Disclaimer-I don't think i'm perfect.What I AM,however, is overly annoyed and confused by the behavior and actions of others and I vent about them to avoid living life pissed off and negative.What I have discovered is that most people agree with me,and are entertained by my venting.After offending certain people on facebook,I am starting this blog for those who enjoy my harsh description of how I see things,and is purely for fun.I am very wordy and too descriptive,but I think im funny.Maybe im not,but who cares?It makes me feel better,sooo here we go!
I need to vent today about stupid quotes that are familar to most people,and used by those who can't come up with a defense or response during a discussion/argument.They are all rediculous and pointless sayings,and sometimes just plain stupid.For example-"The only one who is perfect was The Lord Jesus Christ", and"It is what it is".The two quotes that bother me to no end,are dumb on all levels,and also two of the most common ones I hear.The first-"when you're drunk is when the truth really comes out".People who say this only want to argue over what the drunk person said that offended him/her,instead of maturly accepting it as a mistake that isnt worth taking personally.Now,I bartended for 5 1/2 yrs at 5 different venues,and also have years of drinking under my belt,as well as alcoholism in my past.Therefore, I consider myself an expert on alcohol and the behavior of intoxicated people.This is actually the exact OPPOSITE of the truth.When someone is truely drunk,they are a completely different person entirely.If I had a dime for every time I said something I didn't mean at all,or the times I cannot for the life of me figure out why I said or did something in my drunkeness of the previous night,I'd be a rich bitch.We have all kissed/had a one night stand with/exchanged numbers with a person who you would never in a million years be interested in if you were sober.Alcohol makes people feel sexy as hell,no matter how hideous they are,and provides instant confidence.The majority of people I know who drink frequently do drive drunk. With the exception of a few crazies out there,no one who's sober would choose to do something that they know is putting lives in danger,but always make it home on friday night,so its all good.My point is,alcohol is a drug which lowers the inhibitions of its user to the point of blacking out and/or memory loss.That doesn't sound like any kind of "truth serum" to me,but whatever, man.Moving on.
My #1 is a sentence that makes me cringe every time I hear it,and without fail.It's a phrase which has religiously been yelled AT LEAST one time in EVERY season of "The Real World",and is an ass-backward declaration of a superiority that doesn't exist.If you havent guessed by now, you have never been in high school or owned a TV. "If you got somethin to say,say it to my face!". UGH! This statment is obnoxious and irrelevent on so many levels,so I will narrow it down to a few.First,if someone is offended by what someone else said about them,then what was said is probably true.Second,others might say things directly to you,but screaming at them to do so isn't the most effective way to ask them.Lastly,I personally don't want to know what others say behind my back.Finally, if there is anyone in existance who has said all things,good or bad,to the face of that actual person and never is his/her absence,I would love to hear from you and learn your secret.
So there it is.I have done things when I was drunk,that were in no way,shape, or form a reflection of my personal character or acceptable by my moral standard,and I would never even think to do,if sober.
It has been beaten into our heads since at least middle school,that saying anything about someone is o.k.,as long as they know you said it.Everyone is two-faced,which is considered a bad thing.Iv'e been called two-faced countless times,(ironically,never once to my face),and that's fine with me.If I vent about a person for any reason,it is not always crucial enough to tell him/her,so I choose not to.I also have manners,and just because I don't like somebody isnt as important to me as being civil,respectful of those around me,and mature enough to deal with the presence of that individual in a tactful manner.I'm two-faced,yes.I am also considerate of those around me,and don't subject others to confrontation that doesn't involve them in anyway.
Whatever reason one has for busting out a catchy quote,it's obnoxious to me,and I refuse to argue with such a loser.
In conclusion,this is stricktly my opinion,so if you are offended,we can agree to disagree.In a perfect world,all humans would think before they speak,and the stupidity of the words would'nt be heard by the innocent ears of others.
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