No, guys. Stop all that "Nice guys get treated like shit, taken advantage of, and cheated on by girls.", and "They really want to be treated like shit." crap. Only guys who are the wrong kind/level of "nice", and cocky assholes who just get laid a lot, say this ignorant nonsense. First off, you're only gonna get treated like shit if you let people treat you like shit, so don't put it all on us. A generalization such as this, is simply a way to group yourself into the "normal" realm of niceness, concluding you are a victim of mistreatment, by the heartless modern-day woman, who just doesn't appreciate a chivalrous gentleman anymore. Let me explain the difference between a nice guy, and the above guy's perception of "nice". Go right ahead and accept that chivalrous is dead, buried, and has no place in a world where women are independent and self-reliant, mmkay? Manners, respect, and boundaries are very much alive, and some of you don't know the difference. If you are a dick to our waiter at dinner, then I don't give a shit if you open my car door. I can pull my own chair out, and I can make it home, and inside my house just fine without the need to call you to "let you know I'm ok". If I don't call, and you assume I didn't make it there safely, what exactly are you gonna do? Blow my phone up, and that's pretty much it, right? A "nice" guy is honest, real, and makes you feel comfortable by respecting certain boundaries. The "nice" guy who gets treated like shit is trying too hard, and developes false hope by interpreting a girl's general kindness and manners as mutual feelings of chemistry, and an invitation for massive amounts of attention, which you rationalize as flattery, but really just shows us that you are lacking in the self-esteem area, and you reek of desperation. When you start calling and txting too much (which you def will), you appear to not have a life. A compliment is always nice, but if you give them constantly, and they are generic, repetitive, and over-dramatic, they become very annoying, and have that "I can't believe you're with me!" affect. It's just creepy at that point, and you force us to also think "I can't believe I'm with him.....". The more overly-amazing you insist that I am, the less special I feel (ironically). And whatever you do, NEVER point out your own flaws before I've even had a chance to see or notice them, as some kind of panicked warning. It's like you are deciding for me, that i won't like you, before I can decide for myself. How about just pretend your flaws don't exist instead of magnifying them, you moron. Guess what? I might not even notice them. And if I notice them on my own, I might not be turned off by them. All these examples are violations of personal boundaries females will not respond well to. Calling us too often, especially repeatedly if we don't call back right away, is crossing a boundary. Insisting on telling me how perfect, beautiful, and amazing I am is unrealistic, unnecessary, and makes me uncomfortable. Crossed boundary. I will end up with no respect for you, finally blowing you off so I can breath, and decide I have no choice but to ignore your "niceness" completely, no matter how many times you call, or msg me. Your final conclusion/interpretation of the situation is that you were nothing but nice to me, and I just woke up one day and decided I was done with you, and threw you out like garbage, without the respect to tell you myself. The details of your "nice"ness are irrelevent to the story, in your mind, because dumping someone for being "nice" is a shitty thing for a chick to do. You created a connection in your mind, and thought we had something that would deserve a discussion, or explanation, if ended. Too bad, so sad, that was your bad. I don't owe you a call, and you're not getting one, cause I'm smart enough to know it will end up being used as a chance to plead your case and win back the imaginary love you've dreamed up over the 3days you've known me. Sooooo....NO ASSCLOWN! Nice guys don't get fucked over and walked on. Guys who hold a stranger up on a pedestal of unattainable perfection get dropped, and it's for their own good.
Now, when it comes to the opposite end of the spectrum, you are dealing with a major misconception that cockyness is the same as confidence. Girls do not want to be treated like shit. Treating girls with disrespect and aggressive behavior will get you all the pussy you can handle, but that's not the situation or group of girls in question of the theory. Confidence, not cockyness, boys. Insulting or embarrassing a female doesn't work. Being a jerk-off to your friends isn't impressive or attractive either. How about approaching me with comfortable demeanor, as if I'm a real person, and the subtlety that suggests YOU might not be fully impressed by ME yet, but you're interested, NOT superior. Is it that hard to grasp the concept of letting a person feel however they feel? Why do you think you must either build her up, or cut her down? How bout deal with your own confidence level, and adjust it however you see fit. My confidence is fine where it is, so guage your own shit, but leave mine alone. Make me feel safe, secure, cared about, and mutually respected, but don't let me walk all over you. That's all, guys. Really. Stop being lazy with your bullshit theory, and consider striving for balance, instead of accepting your way of treating chicks as a reasonable normalcy that we are just too complicated to appreciate. I'm not perfect. Women aren't perfect. But we aren't as difficult as you pretend we are.